
Vampire the masquerade first edition pdf
Vampire the masquerade first edition pdf

our use of the Vam­ pire as a metaphor and as a channelfor storyte /ling may be misconstrued. The themes and issues described in this game may be disturbing to some and distasteful to others. Vaclav Havel, in a speech to the United States CongressĪttention: Reader discretion is advised.

vampire the masquerade first edition pdf

where all our actions are indelibly recorded and where. We are incapable ofunderstanding that the only genuine backbone ofour actions-ifthey are to be moral- is responsibility- responsibility to something higher than myfamily. "We are still under the sway ofthe destructive and vain beliefthat man is the pinnacle of creation. Schroeder, Lowell Brandt Stouder Jr., Richard Wu, Kin Yee The Fun Connection: Andreas Mitterlechner, Stefan Kovalovsky, Ralph SchlmplĭedicatioIl!This game is dedicated to Vaclav Havel, Poet, Playwright, & Statesman - who was its inspiration. Harsch, Steven Kaye, Edwin Nealley, Laurel Schippers, John Schippers, Robert G. Play testers: The Succubus Chili: Josh Timbrook, Chris McDon­ ough, Brenda Stiles, John Brandt, Nicole Lin­ droos, Mark Rein-Hagen, Stewart Wieck, Andrew Greenberg, LisaStevens, Ann Nappo, SethTepher, Stephan Wieck, Kelly Golden The V-Team: Je1IBerry, Guy Wells, Gail Starr, Mark Matthews-Simmons, Christopher Lancaster, KC Lancaster The Book ofElbon Chili: Stacia M.

vampire the masquerade first edition pdf vampire the masquerade first edition pdf vampire the masquerade first edition pdf

Players may reproduce the character sheets for personal use only.ĭesign: Mark Reln-Hagen Written by: Mark Reln.Hagen, Graeme Davis, Tom Dowd, Lisa Stevens, Stewart Wieck Development: Mark Rein.Hagen, Andrew Greenberg, Stewart Wieck Edltlng: Stewart Wieck, Lisa Stevens, Stephan Wieck Design Contributors: Lisa Stevens, Chris McDonough, Josh Timbrook, Nicole Llndroos, John Brandt, Brenda Stiles, Tom Dowd, Graeme Davis, Timo­ thy Carroll, Stephan Wieck, TraviS Lamar Wil­ liamS, Ben Rhoades, Aaron Voss Art: Tim Bradstreet, Chris McDonough, Ed McKeogh, Ron Spenser, Richard Thomas, Josh Dmbrook Layout Design: Nicole Llndroos Production: Nicole Ltndroos Cover Concept: Chris McDonough Cover Photograph: Mark Pace Calligrapher: Kurt Cagle Reproduction of this book in any manner without consent from the publishers is prohibited. Vampire™ uses the StoryteIIer™ Game system © 1991 by White Wolf.

Vampire the masquerade first edition pdf